I love this family portray of Jared's side of the family. Everyone look so happy and I love the bright colors.

This past week was teacher appreciation week in Mario school. I am a room parent, so I was in charged of this activity. The first day we built two fruit baskets. Every child brought two pieces of fruit. The second the day, we made a card. Another day we made two flower bouquets. Again,every child brought two flowers and the last day we made a video for his teacher.

We also went to the Stanford mall and got our faces painted by our friend Colleen Casper.

I took the boys to the farmers market. They HATE onions, but they LOVE blueberries.

I also got them some school aid materials. I get so excited when I get new workbook for Mario. Celestine sent me some flashcards too. I love teaching Mario and Milo, it is challenging some days but it is worth it. I am so proud of both of them.

In another good news, we found a house for rent in downtown Palo Alto! We are moving on Friday.I am so grateful for the chance to live in a house again with washer and dryer. This was the first time in my life that I have been living without owning a washer and dryer. I honestly felt that I was failing in life which is really superficial if you really think about the stuff that really matter in this world.

Mother's day.
For breakfast Jared and the boys got me some arepa venezolanas and a strawberry mango smoothie. It was a tasty breakfast.

Mario made me this for Mother's day. Can you guess what it is?

It is a fish. A fish in a coral reef.

At church ⬆️

This is our natural color. I tent to have this natural tan orangey color in my skin since I was younger and apparently so does my children. I remember one time Celestine asked me if I was okay because I looked very orange, but that is my natural tan. In another good news, I finally matched my hair color to Mario's and Milo's. Finally!
Mario and Milo reading to sing.

The Palo Alto Relief Society had this beautiful dessert table ready for us. Michael Christensen made it. He is an amazing man.My hope as a mother is that some day Mario and Milo will express themselves about me so beautifully and eloquently.

Happy Mother's Day to the wonderful woman who brought me to his world and taught me how to be the best version of myself. My mom.

Happy Mother's day to Jared's Mom too.