June and July

The boys went on trek in Martin's Cove in Wyoming. Both of them had a great time and made wonderful connections. Milo was a little wild and was swimming in the river. I don't know many details. I know that because our Stake President told me.

Milo wanted to dye his hair. We bleached his hair twice and now he is a blondie.

Milo also fractured his fingers while mountain biking. Sadly at the end of August, he just got his bike stolen at McDonald's while he was hanging out with some friends.

The Garden Park youth on a hike to the beautiful Lake Blanche.

Lake Blanche, July 3rd

4th of July Parade

Our church friend, Tia Harrison, asked us to pull the float for Clayton Middle School with the Cybertruck. The truck is a hit here. The float theme was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory. Our kids have such a wonderful group of friends and leaders here. Utah can come across as backwards sometimes, but I am glad that we can provide a very wholesome childhood for Mario and Milo. Listen, teenagers are hard and I am so glad to have a tribe to help raise them. I personally don't think I could raise them this way in the Bay Area. Yes, Milo might sound like a hillbilly sometimes but he is a good kid. lol

Milo and Lewis Furstenau held the banner in front of the cybertruck.

After the parade, we headed to the Salt Flats to light up some fireworks and "blow stuff up".

Another fun family activity we did was racing go carts.

Jared left for the Bay Area for a business trip. I took the boys to nice restaurants instead of just eating McDonalds.

Milo and I did a secret service project in our community. I didn't want him to be afraid of the homeless people who live around our neighborhood. They are people with mental issues and drug issues. Life has not been kind to them. Again, the homeless here in SLC are not like the ones in San Francisco. In San Francisco I even get scared of them. They are very violent, in my opinion.

Pioneer Day

We stayed in Fairview and went to the demolition derby. This year we didn't dress up or do anything because we were tired. Too many activities. Summer is a time to slow down and enjoy long walks, going to the cabin, ride side by sides, visit dinners and random museums.

Jenny Hobbs

Jenny Hobbs

Salt Lake City, UT