After Jessica and Sebastian and "Opera lady's" reception on Saturday night, Jenny and I went home, changed, and went to Walmart to stand in line for a Wii. We got there around 10:45pm and even though Walmart is open 24 hours, they made us stand outside in the cold to wait. Anyway, around 11:45pm the manager of the Electronics department came out and announced there was 27 Wiis and they'd give tickets to the first 27 people in line. We were number 30. The manager said there was a chance that someones credit card would be declined or their check would bounce but not likely. In the hope that this would happen, I waited in line until 12:45am when the manager came out and announced the last Wii had been purchased. After that, Jenny and I drove to Target with the intent to camp out until the morning so we could get one of the rumored 33 Wiis that they had. When we got there, however, there were around 5 tents already pitched and another 30-40 people waiting in line. So we drove to Best Buy. Best Buy was rumored to have around 60 Wiis but when we got there, the line already had around 50 people plus 15 tents and an RV. There were people with barbecue grills and someone had a generator to power a TV and some games.
So Sunday morning Jenny and I went to the mall to see if we could get a Wii. We drove by Toys 'R Us and there was already a line that seemed a mile long. So we went to Sears and they only had 4 Wiis which were already claimed an hour before we got there. We stood in line another hour at KB Toys and when they opened they told us they didn't have ANY Wiis. So, discouraged, we went to another Target where they were also sold out but I went ahead and bought a controller. After that we tried a local electronics store (no Wiis), Circuit City (sold out in less than a minute), CompUSA (sold out) and another Walmart. The manager at that Walmart told me they had 33 Wiis and there were 75 people in line waiting since noon the day before.
Anyway, most stores are supposed to be getting a new shipment of Wiis on Black Friday so guess where we'll be sleeping Thanksgiving night?