These are some pictures I forgot to post of Mario getting his soccer trophy a few months ago.
October was a busy month. We celebrated my birthday, Mario's birthday, and my sister and her son Oliver came to visit. I haven't seen my sister since 2009.
My friend Krista took me out for dinner to celebrate my 28th birthday. We had so much fun together.

At Celestine's house celebrating my birthday.
and Mario's birthday.
A present from Kiley for me.
As part of my birthday present we went to see The Lion King the musical. I really enjoyed it, my favorite character were the young Simba which reminded me of Mario and Scar. Scar voice was so seductive. I like bad guys what can I say?
We had a birthday party for Mario on his birthday. He was so excited because his friends from primary were there.

It was super cold outside, I think the temperature was 42 degrees. We were so grateful to his friend for still showing up with that terrible weather.

My sister and her son Oliver came to visit us for a week. It was so nice to meet Oliver. He is full of energy and very tall for his age. Oliver is 9 months old and he is almost as tall as Milo.I took this cute pictures of Jhulissa. She is gorgeous.

We went to the zoo, botanical garden, to the aquarium, we went to five guys....Gosh we did so much in 5 days.

This cute little guy is Oliver.

Jared took some beautiful pictures of me and Jhulissa. It was so nice having my sister around and do things that sisters do. I had the best time with her, I will cherish those memories for a very long time.

Halloween: Trunk or Treat.
Yes, that is a bubble fog machine. I finally got one!
Mario, Oliver and Milo hanging out watching Sponge Bob. Cute little cousins hanging out.
Seriously, how cute is that? Mario, Luigi and Toad.Milo really believes he is Luigi. If you ask Milo what is his name, he will tell you "luigi."
This handsome guy is Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter.

We had so many people coming over to our house. There was a traffic jam at the entry of our neighborhood because for some strange reason people think we live in the rich neighborhood. We live in the Ghetto people!
November is voting time.
I voted for the first time in my life! Yes, I vote for the Democrats...just kidding.

This months is very special because is the month to be grateful for all the wonderful blessings that we have. I am grateful for everything, even my illnesses. I think because of every difficult time I had in my life, marriage, with my kids..I became a stronger woman, a better wife and a better mami to my children. I can't ask for more...wait. I CAN. I want to be a billionary so freaking bad! hahaha.