This month we had wonderful activities. Our ward became bigger because the Bonneville stake dissolved the 31st ward. Half of the members of that ward are coming to our amazing ward (and the other half are going to Emerson). I am very excited about meeting new people.
Milo eating pie at the ward social. Mario had another doctor visit to see his issues with his feet. The weather has been crazy. Jared and Mario always help to shovel snow on the church grounds before sacrament meeting. We found a great Thai restaurant in West Jordan: Dee Garden Thai.
Jared's cousin got married for the second time. This time the bride is Paola (I don't remember her last name) but I remember that she is Colombian. We watched them get married through Zoom. Her family was so fun and warm.
We are getting ready for our cabin (purchasing bedding, chairs, appliances, etc.). We can't wait to go back. I really hope the contractors finish on time for us to enjoy the summer there.

First time skiing this season. Jared and I on a date at Brighton.
Milo's play. Milo was part of the Moana play at school. As always, Milo did a really good job. He played Maui with the nicest wig ever. Milo loves to play the villains in the shows. He says that they are more fun.

First day of Spring Break
The pandemic is on a break. We are finally getting back to our normal lives with traveling and work. Jared has been planning a lot of traveling and vacations for us. I haven't applied for jobs or anything. It doesn't make sense to work now because we are going to be traveling a lot. Being a stay-at-home parent is a lot of work. Having older children brings a different set of challenges and I am glad to be able to be here to provide all the support I can.
We went spring skiing at Brighton resort with Milo. Spring skiing is my favorite season. It is warm, the sun is out, and people are happier. Mario stayed home and hung out with Chloe. Earlier in the day, Mario saw a cardiologist at the hospital. We found out that Mario has a small murmur and he will be wearing a heart tracking monitor for a month. The doctor doesn't think it's anything serious, but we want to make sure that his heart is healthy.

We have been encouraging Milo to read more. He finally got excited about reading Harry Potter. He read the first three books and we rewarded him (and the rest of the family!) with a trip to Universal Studios Hollywood and Warner Brothers Studios. We drove to Ogden and flew on a new airline, Avelo. We flew for $60 dollars round trip each. Yes, really! I get soo excited everytime we get a good deal.
We arrived in Burbank. We took a Lyft to Bob's Big Boy because it is Mario's favorite restaurant in Burbank.

Day 1: Universal Studios
We have been to Universal Studios before, when the boys were younger. It is always such a great place to visit. The downside of the place is that I forgot how expensive things are in California. We bought the boys new wizard robes and ties... pricey! We enjoyed all the rides and roller coasters. Lunch at Krusty Burger. I honestly had a great time with my little family. The four of us could ride everything together and enjoy ourselves. The frozen butter beer was better than the normal butter beer this time around.

Day 2: Universal Studios
Our favorite part was watching the Water World show. So much better than the movie. We rode the Mummy roller coaster. I was anxious because I remember it being really scary... well, not anymore. Somehow Mario and I can ride roller coasters and actually enjoy them. I know, right?
Lunch at the Minions cafe. The food was all orange (grilled cheese sandwiches, mac and cheese, nachos). It was a carby dream come true. Sadly, we are getting old and our bodies don't like just eating orange carby food. Giant donut from Lard Lad's Donuts. By 8pm, we returned to the hotel and tucked ourselves into our beds. We watched Seinfeld with the boys for the first time. They loved it. Kramer is Mario's kindred spirit.

Day 3: Warner Brothers Studio tour and the Griffith Observatory
We took a tour at Warner Brothers Studios. We saw many wonderful sets...oh, and we saw Jack Nicholson! We visited the set of the Ellen show. We took pictures on the Friends set and the Big Bang Theory set.

Milo loved getting sorted by the hat! Milo's face says it all. For that moment, he really believed that he was a wizard.

Day 4: Santa Monica with Sam's family
We visited all those fun little children. We had pizza, went to the beach, and went back to their house to have some In-N-Out burgers. Eden is Jared's twin. We had a wonderful day with them.