The school year has started. On Friday we went to have a tour of Mario's new school which was great. We are so excited because the school is smaller and everyone knows each other. We met the new principal Amanda Boyce and the school staff was so attentive.

There are so many activities and fund raising for the PTA.I am amazed that in Palo Alto we don't need to buy school supplies for our kids because the school provides them with everything, and all the extra programs the children get to enjoy are a direct result of the donations that PIE receives. This is Mario in front of his classroom and a great picture with the boys and the school principal.This is one of the school courtyard. The elementary school has 430 students. Yeap, that's it. I love small schools and this school is the best elementary school in Palo Alto.

Today was 84 degrees outside. Mario was hating it.

We also got our library cards and the boys were using the computer to learn how to speak Pirate. I am not joking. Pirate is one of the languages available to learn at the library.

This year is going to be crazy busy. First grade and teaching Milo how to read is going to be challenging. The boys are enrolled until December in swimming classes. I am still looking for karate and piano classes that will work with our schedules. Milo is going to be taking a gymnastics class at the YMCA too. He really wants to go to school. For Mario, I am still working on extra curricular activities. I don't know what to do for him yet; math club, Spanish club, tennis.. Living in this small apartment is not bad anymore. I am getting more used to it and the boys too. I love google shopping and that I get everything delivered to my door, I get to go to the gym everyday, and I live in a safe place with a wonderful ward family. I am good.Milo even has his own private secret place to go and get alone time (the coat closet.)