hey! hola a todos, tengo un tiempo que no escribo porque no he tenido tiempo con la universidad, pero si he escrito en el blog de la familia. Ya estoy acabando este semestre, finalmente!
Tambien mis clases de tennis comienzan el dia 8 de abril!, estoy tan emocionada por tomar tennis. Este verano no voy a tomar clases en la universidad, me ofrecieron un trabajo como tutora de espanol 102 y el jueves pasado me llamo David, el manager de officemax y me ofrecio un part-time alli. Interesante, no creen?
Yo nunca he trabajado, esto va a ser mi primer empleo. Vamos a ver si me gusta porque sino, renuncio.
Gracias al servicio que Jared consiguio para mi, ahora puedo hablar con mi familias las veces que quiera y me encanta. Tambien consegui un salon que arregla mi pelo de la manera en que lo hacen en Sto Dgo, claro me cobran 60 dollares por alisar mi cabello, pero yo encuentro que eso es una muy buena oferta. La ultima vez que me arregle el pelo aqui fui a style america y me cobraron 100 dollares, mas 10 dolares que tuve que dejar de propina. I know, muchisimo dinero!.
Jared y yo adoramos un show My name is earl! diane, yo si me rio, mi personaje preferido es Crab man, ese tipo ta totao de su cabeza! Don't you thinks he is SO hot?
Translation to People Who Do Not speak spanish
Warning: Maybe my english sucks!, so If you read it, it is under your own risk.
My tennis class is going to start on april 8, one hour for six weeks. I'm so excited about it, whohooo!(yeah, that whohooo, doesn't sound like me.) In three weeks i finish this semester, Finally!.
In summer I'm not going to take classes, but still I am going to work as a spanish102 tutor. A few days ago David, a manager of Office Max called me to set up an interview for a part-time job; i went over there and they just loved me, who doesn't?
I'M JUST JOKING. Well, Now I have to take a drug test, for sure I am going to pass it, they won't pay me a lot of money but It's still cool. I always have the chance of quitting if i don't like it.
Can you guys believe that I'm 21 years old and this is going to be my first job ever? I mean for real.
The other day at TVI I saw this african american girl with the most beautiful hair that I've ever seen. She gave me the address and phone number of her beauty salon, I called them and the owner( his name is PJ) was so nice, and they are just going to charge me 60 dollars to relax my hair. That is so cool and cheap, in other beauty salons they usually charge me 100 dollars plus 10 of tip. I know that is a lot of money but if I dont do it my hair is going to look like crab man. You see the picture?
By the way My name is earl, American next top model are my favorite shows. I know they are crappy shows, but I like it anyway.