Mario went on a campout with the young men. He loves spending time with the YM. He was really proud of working on the fire at the cabin. I also saw a goose on my way to ward council on top of the building. Jared and I are still trying to eat healthy and we are failing miserably. We enjoy eating. One of my attempts to cook healthy was me making salmon and parmesan couscous on top of a salad. It was really good.

Easter 2020
Milo and his best friend Reyn Paul. These two are inseparable. They are both in the gifted program at school, they are VR bros, they also love to play dungeons and dragons. On Saturday, they spent around 6 hours playing that game. These photos were at the easter egg hunt and at our house aftewards. This was Milo's last egg hunt as a primary kid ðŸ˜.

The Relief Society had an Easter activity painting portraits of Jesus Christ. We all had different styles and it was a beautiful demonstration of how we all see Jesus in different ways. Jesus touches our hearts in different ways but with the same impact.

Our neighborhood is very hip and cool. The new whale statue is a acquired taste. Every time I drive by and look at it from the side, I can't stop but laugh hysterically. It looks like a penis with fins 🤣.  I do have a dirty mind 🤪.  My face is all numb and swollen in this photo. My dentist had too much fun filling my cavities. My teeth are super sensitive and I have to be numb to get any work done. Yay!
I had a good time picking out floors for the cabin. Our cabin has three different wood finishes and it really throws me off. I get very anxious with many colors. I sent this photo to Shauna and she liked the same floors I did. I decided for #2: Luxurious Pine Wood Rigid Core luxury vinyl flooring.

Our Easter Sunday
It was a special Sunday. I woke up early and made pancakes for our family. Mario was surprised because I don't do that anymore. The holidays are exceptions where I make all the carby food we like. I made breakfast and tried my best to make every part of the day special.
We all wore our Sunday best to celebrate the resurrection of our brother Jesus. Chloe got her Easter basket. She was soo excited. The chocolate Easter bunnies had the craziest eyes ever.

One of my callings at church is to be the ward historian. I get to take photos and write down all the wonderful memories we make as a ward. Â This is the youth class of the Garden Park Ward. This group of youths are the creme of the crop. All of them have strong testimonies of the gospel. These boys and girls come from amazing families. I know that the future will be great for these kids. I am so glad Mario is growing up with this positive influence.

I love our family portraits. The boys are so handsome and changing so much. I am enjoying their personalities even though sometimes they hurt my feelings. It is part of becoming a teenager, I guess 😞.

Our Easter dinner was pretty much food from Costco. We had carrots with a  maple dijon glaze, ribeye steaks, scalloped potatoes. Our dessert were macaroons made in France and Creme Brulee.