Happy Easter to everyone. We had a wonderful weekend full of activities and memorable experiences. Before I start, I would love to say a few thing about Easter. I am so thankful for the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us, I would never be able to pay him back . I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and I really hope to someday be able to be like they are, perfect.
I also want to share with you about my gorgeous red dress. Two years ago I bought this cute dress from shabby apple and I payed full price for it (which I never ever do, Hobbs rule #2.) The only problem was that I bought the dress as an incentive to lose weight and I never did. For two years that gorgeous dress was sitting in my closet and today I decided to give it a try. Well, it fit! I couldn't believe that I slimmed down that much (I won't brag about my new size). This red dress is my Easter miracle dress. I still can't believe it fits! I wish I had another one in light pink...oh well.
We went to our ward Easter party. The boys sang and eat donuts and parfaits as refreshments. This was Mario's first year going egg hunting with the big kids. He only got 8 eggs but he had the greatest time. Milo did very well, his basket was so full.
This is my mom first Easter in United States and we had to make it memorable I didn't make anything too fancy. I am sure she loved it.
Here are a few pictures of my handsome boys.

The boys favorite part was too ride a bike at the church's parking lot. They got to ride a bike and they were having a blast. Milo was not ready to get out of the bike. He cried for 10 minutes.

I almost forgot to mention that Jared made the boys the cutest pancakes ever. He called them the Mario and Luigi pancakes. Everyone was happy, this is what I call a perfect weekend. I really hope all of you had a wonderful Easter holiday remembering the savior. xoxo