Sick with the stomach flu for the 9th time.

After they got better. I took them to Chucke Cheese.

I went to the Legion of Honor museum and enjoyed looking a the Bonnard exhibit.

I also met this cute artist. Her name is Natalia Slovo.

The title for this photo: "When your brother is your best friend."

My friend El Laine was having an open studio with her botanical drawings. I got to see her beautiful drawings and her sculptures.

Nutella crepes.

Mario at a cub scout activity.

After they woke up at 2 am to play video, we grounded them for a week. A whole week without video games.

Milo broke his front tooth. His current smile is really interesting..

At the pool after school.

I am obsessed with outdoor markets. This one is in Redwood city, California.

We all enjoy some alone time. Every mother knows that when the children are too quiet, they are doing something they shouldn't. Well, I think my boys are above that now. Milo was sitting outside playing MINECRAFT and enjoying some alone time. Those were his exact words.

End of year school party-pizza party.

Jared took this photo of me at Stanford mall after being disappointed by the robot cop. The robot reminds me of a big rumba.

At the Young museum looking at the Oscar de la Renta exhibit.

Poetry night.

5/27I hosted a brunch for the noon art committee. I was amazed of everything these moms do to help. All these moms are very accomplish women with suscessful careers. Gosh, I hope to someday I can be as amazing as one of them.