Today was Mario first day of School. We are all excited and happy for him. He is going to do great and make a lot of friends.

Milo was excited too. He wanted to go to school too. He has his own backpack with his snacks for the YMCA meanwhile I work out.

The boys also got toys for the first day of school. Milo looks great as Spiderman.

The boys showing their fake smiles. The boys also got a father blessing so they will do great this school year. Mario was so excited about his mindcraft shirt.

This is the official first day portrait for Mario.

Mario playing cool in front of all the kids. He was ready. Mario's new teacher is Ms Sheyla.

Addison is so great. After we dropped Mario in his classroom, we went to the little welcoming party in one of the open areas at the school. We had breakfast burritos (california style), pastries and berries.

This is the principal Ms Amanda Boyce, and the PTA president welcoming everyone to the new school year.

This school is so great. I have a great feeling about it. I am not sad that my baby is growing up. I am so proud of him.