We are surviving the first few weeks of school. Mario is loving school and I am LOVING having just one child at home. Last week was the Palo Alto art festival close to our place. Living in downtown has its perks. We get to go everywhere and we don't have to drive at all. I was in a line waiting for Milo to get his face painted and he fell sleep.

Living in a small place is a nightmare because it is really hard to organize our things. I got this awesome shoe rack and I feel very proud of myself for finally deciding to organize and make our place look more like a home. I have finally accepted the idea that we are living here permanently.

Jared is teaching Mario and Milo to play card games. I don't really care at all about table games but that is a great activity for them to bond.

I bought this bedding set to make my bedroom look a little more sunny. I am not crazy about the color because I think bedding should be totally white like if I was in a hotel but that is too much work to keep up clean. I don't have a washer/dryer so I will have to wait to see.

I took my car to the dealership to get some things fix and I got to drive this beauty. Milo told me a few times that he loves when I drive the truck because it seems fun but after a while Mario and Milo were hating it. The truck doesn't have AC and the boys dislike to be sweaty. Who doesn't?

One of those morning I wasn't feeling my best. I took some pictures with Milo and went on a date to eat Korean food. My hormones are going wacko on me and that is why I am feeling so tired. I also think it is because I am turning 30 this October and no one told me about the changes. I am getting acne, my hair is all frizzy no matter what I do, my skin is looking tired, dark spots, hair in new places, my weight is going crazy again :/ I mean, it seems like If I am going thru puberty or something. Thank goodness I found this new great endocrinologist that is going to help me to get my life and hormones in order again. I also blamed having children. This is a true no one tells you. Children make you old. They do. Unless you have a sitter or dump you kids to your mom all the time, you are totally screw. My girlfriends agree with me. It is one of those things no one tells you. I love my boys but the truth is that being a mom is a hard job and you can't do it well without getting tired and old. Or you can stay young by letting your kids be wild beast. Or the third option which is pricey: invest in a lot of fillers, laser treatments and a good yoga teacher. Just my two cents.

This morning we worked in our art skills. We practiced blending acrylic paints.

At one o'clock we walked to the Stanford Stadium to watch the first game of the season. Getting there was so nice, we walked almost a mile with the boys. Milo was complaining the whole time but after a while he got used to the walk. I am hoping that the boys get more into walking longer distances. I want to do the best 101 best hikes of the Bay Area, I want to stay the whole day in San Francisco but having whining children is a recipe for disaster. I am really over this little kid stage. I really CAN'T wait until Mario and Milo get older.

We left the game early because it was around 85 degrees. We were melting. We walked to the outdoor mall (Town and Village) and had burgers, sweet potatoes fries, root beer bloats and water. Milo slept the whole time we were having lunch. Lunch was so greasy but so good.

Now, time for a nap.. until tomorrow.