For memorial day we got to go a Church activity with some friends. We had great food and we got to meet new people.
We are also having a lemonade stand once at week. The first week we made $30 dollars. The Second week we made $12 and today we made $13 dollars. Palo Alto is a great place for the children to learn the value of the dollar. They are my mini entrepreneurs.
This is Perry. He is the little donkey that represents Palo Alto. He is the cutest. My boys and all the children in Palo Alto love him. Perry also came to support us in our lemonade stand. He was great.
The Palo Alto Police department was kind enough to send one of their officers to support our lemonade stand. Mario and Milo are very popular.

We also went see Mario singing at the Giants game in San Francisco. I was so proud of him. I posted a video on Facebook of Mario singing. The quality is not the best but it was a great night. I didn't like the City (San Francisco) before but now I do. I am feeling finally at home in California.
Our friend Erik Patterson came to visit so we took him to eat a healthy pizza.
This is a portrait of Katniss from The Hunger Games by Mario.
I finally had my first sushirrito. It is a sushi roll the size of a burrito!You are welcome!
Jared took me to see Lana Del Rey. I love her music.
This is a clip of Mario and Milo singing for Mother's day. I am so proud of them. I know that I am not allow to record them in sacrament but I don't really care. I have this beautiful video of my children singing to me when they are little boys. This is a priceless memory.
The second time we sold ice pops. We are making a lot of money. This day we had a profit of 90.30% Yes, I am brushing my business skills using Mario and Milo.
Swimming party. I got Mario and Milo lifejackets so they can swim without me having to babysit them or hold them. I am having the best time with them because we can do our own thing and having fun together at the same time.
For Fathers's day I got Jared a black Iwatch. He loved it. He kept sending me messages and his heart beat while sitting next to me. Yes Jared, I know you are alive. I love you even though you annoy me to the max. I also took these photo of him and the boys. I did an amazing job editing the photo. It looks like it belongs in a magazine. Mario and Jared have a lot of Asian features. Milo looks more hispanic.
Speaking of Milo, this little Milo of mine is my best friend. He is SO FUN and loving. I can't picture my life without him. He comes and gives me hugs and tells me how much he loves me and appreciates me. He is just 4 1/2 years old acting like a 8 years old.
This summer we are doing a lot things. I am taking them swimming almost every day. We had amazing adventures at the library. We go to parks, we go to new ice cream at least twice at week because we need to try all the ice cream places. They play video games, watch movies, run around in their underwear. They love their daycare where I leave when I need to work out. Milo and Mario are learning a lot of Jewish traditions.
This is Milo participating in the Junior primary. He is a superstar.
I wasn't thrill to have a calling in primary because I love my children and that's it but after getting to know some of the children, I can say how much I love all of them. I also get to see Milo participate and show off all his knowledge of the gospel.
Milo is not shy at all and he loves Jesus so much. His prayer are so adorable and sweet. He loves our family and our friends. He tells me how much he miss Jesus and how grateful he is for his body and his toys.
The M&M have been working hard to help me keep our house clean.
Doing laundry! This was their favorite chore. They work great as a team.
I still drive a little too fast, specially when I go around corners. This happened on Wenesday
It has been hot in CA. We are trying to cool off by drinking lemonade. I also got another AC for the boys room. They love having an AC in their room. This is a Cafe at the library and it is run by people with mental disabilities.
I left the boys at the children library meanwhile I went to the second floor to check on some book. After 10 minutes I came back and this is how I saw them. They are so well behaved.
I think that is all for now.