Memorial Day.We went to Watsonville and hang out at the beach. We had Panda Express and fruit. It was a pretty nice evening :)
The day after, I got my clear braces on. I will have top and lower jaw surgery next year. I have been in pain since I can remember and I learned how to live with that. My surgeon told me that the muscles in my jaw are already damaged but the surgery will help me to release the pressure and pain. I'm excited. I have spent so far 14k in my mouth. 7k for my first braces and 7k for this ones. My surgery will cost around 20k, thank goodness for insurance. The deductive will be around 3-4K. Thank you Jared.

My weekly photo session with Milo. This awesome dude is going to be in Kindergarden this fall. He is beyond excited as I am. It is a bittersweet feeling because I am going to miss spending the day with him.

Milo, his little butt and me.

Mario and Milo always asked me for a "fancy"dinner. The problem is that they have a very limited palate. They don't eat anything. I'm not fighting with them about eating. I am hoping by the time they reach teen or pre-teens, they will eat more. A fancy pizza dinner.

Our tree is overflowing with plums. They are tasty.

I went to a picnic with my friend Veronica. We were taking photos at a garden. I learned that Milo is a talented photographer. He was also making small talk with everyone. There was an older gentleman (80ish) who was volunteering at the garden. Milo sat next to him and started making small conversation. It was a very sweet image. It looked like a grandchild spending time with his grandpa.

This is the face of a third grader. I can't believe Mario is going to be in third grade. He is half way done with elementary school. Time is flying.

It has been very hot around here. Thank goodness we have a few ACs in our house. On Wednesday, we had ice cream for dinner. We are fun parents.

I love my spinning classes. I'm working on my stamina and speed. I joined a challenge in which I have to complete two classes every week. It has been amazing. I haven't lost any weight but I feel great.

Last week, I participated in a indoor ciclying activity to remember the journey of the Jewish survivals to Poland. They were taking photos and I am pretty sure my sweaty face -and wild hair- will be in a poster somewhere.

We had KK for doughnuts day.

Doghnnuts, Korean food, and the amazingly bad Angry bird movie. The boys loved the movie.

I don't have babies anymore and sometimes I miss caudling with a baby. I asked to watch Harrison Rondon. He is six months old and a dreamy baby. He was just like Mario as a baby. (I won't talk about what an awful baby Milo was.)We all loved spending time with the baby.

Harrison played with us. He ate his mashed peas and fell sleep in my arms. We took a nap together and it was amazing. I got to cuddle him and I feel great. The best part, I got to return the baby to his mom and sleep through the night :)

Our next adventure will be in Brazil next week. I will post photos as soon as we get there. Who knew I was going to have such an exciting life?