Swimming is so much fun. I am so grateful for these memories.
Sunday at church. Ethan McQueen sat with us. I love that little boy so much, like if he was one of mine. He is very loving like Mario and Milo. We took a zoolander selfie at church to remember this sweet moment.

One of my friends at church work for a video game company and let us preview one of the virtual reality games. It was crazy. It looks so real. In one part, I was ready to scream and run away. I was under water in a cage surrounded by sharks. We are getting one as soon as they come out. How great is to have friends that will let you preview new game systems.

My last spinning class at the JCC. This is Judy, she is a pro at spinning classes and has been doing it for the last 14 years. She is very bossy and always corrects my posture. I really love her. We are wearing our super hero theme t-shirts. It was super hero week at the JCC.

Monday was Milo's last day at the children's cove. He is very popular because he is one of the oldest children.

Avi works at the Jcc. He is my valet parking guy. Everyday, Milo and Avi add a new step to their dance and this is what they come up with.
Ready to go to Brazil.

Our connecting flight from Houston to Rio left without us. We were very annoyed, but we made the best of it and went to the children's museum the next day. Our uber driver was so nice and genuine. He took us to get dinner because he knew we had a rough day.

At the children's museum in Houston. Milo couldn't believe how awesome it was. He couldn't wait to climb inside the play structure.

The museum was really nice and the activities were engaging. Mario and Milo enjoyed building circuits and getting shocked by the van de graaf generator.

Mario also learned about the stock market. He was a stock broker and learned how to buy and sell stock.

Good morning. My name is Mario Hobbs and these are breaking news.

We even learned about little chickens. We haven't seen chicken in a very long time. The boys were smitten with the pollitos. They were so cute and fluffy. I am the black one, Jared is the white one and Mario and Milo are the brown pollitos.

We made it to Rio de Janeiro. Our flight was 9 hours and it was great. Milo went to the bathroom by himself and didn't know how to get out. He started screaming, I didn't hear him. I was far and Jared was stuck in a middle sit. I was very out of it. I have a very nasty cold and I took a mixture of cold medicines and sleeping aids. It hasn't work out. I am still sick.The flight provided us with dinner, dessert and breakfast. When we arrived to Rio, the flight attendant gave me a welcomed package from first class. It had a bunch of products with the Olympics logo.

We went to a little cafe two doors down from our airbnb. We had juice and some pastries for dinner.I look really sick in this photo but I won't hide my puffy face because the fun part about life is to embrace the inconvinient moments with a smile.

Mario and Milo got to sleep together. I woke up earlier and saw this cute image.

Our airbnb in Botafogo.

The view from our living room.

We have been looking for apartments. We went to see a really nice apartment to Flamengo, and this is the beach next to it. Botafogo beach.

We went to Botafogo mall. We walked down that tunnel. Jared walks faster than me and Mario. We were like 15 feet behind him and some weird guy was following me very close. I knew his intentions, I open my purse and grabbed my pepper spray. He saw me and slowed down. One block later, I told Jared what happened. He had no idea. What I noticed that in Rio you can have fun, but you have to be aware of your surroundings.

The first day, we went to a weird grocery store. They didn't accept credit, only debit cards. It was total chaos and not fun at all. The second day, we found a really nice grocery store called Pau de acucar. It was perfect.

We also found many chocolate stores. We tried some chocolate that taste like bubble gum. Really weird.


It has been a great three days in Rio. We are having a blast. We have been speaking a mixture of Spanish, English and bad portuguese. We have been lucky enough to meet fun friendly people in this trip. I will be posting more photos in the next two months. I can believe that we get to live here for two months!