This is the view of our new place. We are in the last floor.

Gorgeous views

The lobby of our building.

We rode in the smallest car I have ever seen. The driver freaked out when he saw all our luggage but helped us to fit it all in. I was laughing so hard. We were allSqueezed.

Father's Day.

After church, we took Jared to eat. We don't so normally break the sabbath but we didn't have any food in our hotel aparment.

The boys actually made Jared breakfast. I'm so proud of both of them for coming up with this idea by themselves.

More fried food. I'm honestly craving vegetables and water. I'm this closeOf never drinking juice ever again in my life.

I took Mario for a date. We had breakfast at a tiny cafe and it was so fun. We walked around and went grocery shopping.

For lunch, the whole family went to another cafe with really cheap cheap food.

We got invited to the June festival at church. We had a great time. We danced a type of square dancing with Brazilian music and ate to our hearts content.

Milo was fishing and he got a yo yo.