Saturday November 14th was a special day for our family. We had the opportunity to be part of Mario's baptism. I'm so happy and glad that he has the chance to be an official member of the church.Mario was baptized by Jared and he was confirmed by his grandfather Michael Hobbs.This is going to be our family's tradition. Jared was baptized by his father and confirmed by his grandfather. It was a very sweet and spiritual service, these are a few details of how the service went:Celestine's musical number was very sweet and spiritual. Everyone was singing along to the song Baptism. Michael's talk was very meaningful and one of the highlights of his talk was the story about the girl that he left waiting for an answer to go to a dance. Mike felt awfully bad for making this girl wait for his answer. He also shared with Mario the joys and comfort that the Holy Ghost has brought into his life and what a huge blessing it is to have him as a comforter.

We took this photo before the service started. I should have taken a photo of Mario with his baptism jumpsuit and all of us but this one is good too. Mario and Milo look very sharp in their clothing.

Mario and Milo sang "I know that My Savior Loves Me". It was beautiful. Milo sang with Mario during the first verse and later he let Mario sing the second verse by himself.

Mario got baptized with his friend Lani.

Mario's best friend Jason came to support Mario.

Yummy cupcakes to end this beautiful activity.