After the airport, we took an hour taxi ride to the National Park of Tyrona. We got to the park, paid for our medical insurance and our entrance fee. We walked to our hotel which was around 20 minutes. We got to our hotel https://yachaytayrona.com/en/

Our amazing ecohotel

These photos are from our journey to Santa Marta

Our first beach inside Tayrona National Park

Second beach: La piscinita

Day 2 Tayrona
The next day, we rode horses to reach Cabo San Juan beach. It would have been a 5 mile uphill hike in 100 percent humidity. Well, we didn't want to do that. We rode horses for almost two hours in the Colombian rain forest instead.

Mario hated every minute of the horse ride.

The bathroom at the airport in Santa Marta
The Salt Cathedral
We bought tickets the day before to go to the salt cathedral inside of a salt mine. The train was a quirky experience. It felt like forever to get there. The salt cathedral was the priciest activity we did in Bogota. In my opinion, it was okay but once and done for us.

We did two escape rooms in Spanish. It was harder than I thought because I couldn't understand a word they were saying.

We encountered a hiccup on our way back home. Our flight was delayed and later canceled. We couldn't leave the airport until an immigration officer signed our passports and canceled our exit tickets. We were at the airport from 7 pm because our flight was supposed to leave at 10pm. When we finally resolved the issue with the immigration officer at 1 am, it was too late. We stayed at the airport. Jared arranged new flights for us at 6:30 am, but instead of heading to Dallas, the new flights took us from Colombia to Miami, from Miami to Chicago, and finally from Chicago to SLC. It was a long day. The photo captures my view on the journey back home to Utah. I truly love Utah.

Halloween. Trunk or Treat
For Halloween, we dressed up as characters from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." I'm so glad the boys are always willing to join in the fun. These are wonderful memories that I am creating for them.

Our ward had a Harry Potter-themed party.

Fall Photos

Doing my mommy job:
Taking Milo to his well check exam. He got his flu and covid vaccine.

Mario’s Birthday
It's hard to believe that Mario is already 16 years old. He has a very precise and logical way of thinking. Surprisingly, he has no interest in driving, even when we offer to buy him a new car. Driving just doesn't seem to interest him at all.

Jared's parents keep buying Mario medieval armor. Every year his collection keeps getting bigger.

We also bought him another VR so he can hang out with Milo in the meta verse. We also got him his first electric razor and he used it! My sent the boys a bunch of clothes from target. They are wearing the clothes in the following photos

On that same night, we had a Young Men's activity at our cabin, celebrating his birthday with his friends. They were having a great time. I spent some time in my room and missed seeing the kids take a cold plunge in the pond.

Sunday October 29th. Church Social