We saw Shamu and it was awesome!!!
We are going to see it again tomorrow. We love the show, and we also fed the dolphins. A tiny trait full of fish $6. Milo was a natural, Mario was less trusting of the dolphins. I was super excited, the dolphin's skin felt like plastic.
We also ate like little piggies, we bought an all you can eat pass for all day long, we ate in 5 restaurants. Worth every penny. The no so good part was the weather, it was freezing. I am sure Jared was freezing because he was wearing shorts and a t
shirt. I, on the contrary was wearing 4 layers of clothes. It was serious weather, no one was using the rides with water. Hopefully tomorrow it gets warmer. By the way, I have a cold and a low fever since 7 am, but it was the best day ever.

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