Mario got his own library card. Milo was a little jealous and inspired to learn how to read to get his own library card.We went to Mario's school to see all the wonderful things he had been working on.

Mario also went to a primary activity to make Christmas ornaments.

The Law family came here to visit from Santa Fe, NM.

This cutie at church this week.

I have been feeling inspired to take photos lately. That desire of being creative comes and goes. When it's here I need to take advantage of it. Thank goodness for the boys and their willingness to pose for me.I am so lucky.

Today is thanksgiving! Jared and I went to pick up our dinner and this is what the deli clerk gave us. I just started laughing like what the heck? Everything was inside and it was really good. I just had to make the sweet potatoe casserole. It was so easy and perfect. Our kitchen is small but this is my first thanksgiving I am not stress out.

I'm grateful for these three handsome boys and man. So fun and cheery all the time.

One of the projects I have been working on. I wish I had photos like this one when I was pregnant.

This is our new family tradition for the holidays. We went to the Christmas tree lining ceremony here in Palo Alto. We had our favorite pizza and later went to eat ice cream. It rained when we were at the ice cream shop so we got to walk home under light rain.