Today I have decided to say somethings that have been annoying me for for quite a long time, so if you dont care to read it, is okay, if you do some of this things that bother us on purpose, Jared is not the one who is going to talk to you. I'm the who is going to put the things really clear and don't expect me to be kind because you don't deserved. I have noticed that some women are so hipocrated and do things that Annoying me on purpose after I have asked them to stop and even I have tell them stories to what happen to people who had cross me.Ok. I don't care at all when people(you know who you are) talked bad about me and Jared. I mean, we argue a lot because both of us have strong personalities and opinions, and we are passionated about it. Nothing to do with my culture, I was raised to give my opinion and to no keep quiety. Come on this is not 1950. I'm not a goodie goodie" gilrs that don't say what they really think and later talk bad about people in the backs. If I think you are hillbilly I will tell you, If you are a woman and you have a mustache, you can trust me to tell you : Honey is time to wax. What is the deal with people who dont have children critizicing our parenting methods saying I quote: "they just feed sugar to Mario". This is what I have would like said to this person: " Get a FREAKING LIFE and when you have your own children you can raised them any way that you want. And the worst thing is that this girl doesn't dare to tell my in my face, I really wish she will tell in my face but I guess she is scared of me, good call. Also this same girl keep talking about me saying that "I'm negative and that is was probably one of my mood swings." This is the last time that I will put on with her. I don't even like this girl.It also bothered us people who are stingy cheap. We went to a date with another couple and after the bill came we were going to pay for all of us and this other couple didn't gave us the chance to pay, the pay just their own thing and didn't even offered us to pay for our half. We also went out with other couple like that and we will never go out again with them. I mean, We are in a bugdet but those people are just playing rude. Have you noticed that is so hard