Let's begin shall we? For our 9th anniversary, Jared took me for a weekend to Pagosa Springs. We soak on the hot springs, and did nothing for 2 days, It was heaven. We went to a few restaurants and saw Iron man 3. I honestly had the best time ever. I love to be in the sun and get 'tan' even if I already have a natural tan:) , but I forgot that my lovely Jared doesn't have my skin color and the poor guy got all sun burned really bad. This was our best anniversary celebration ever. No kids, a nice place just Jared and I, what else could I ask for?

Guess who is in love with Bento boxes? I am. I am eating so much sushi too, it just took me 9 years to learn how to eat it but believe me, it is worth it. Today Jared bought me some ingredients so I can make my own sushi at home. I am so excited!

Milo loves to eat his fry rice and he does it using chopsticks. I am soooo proud of him.

For Mother's day I got this gorgeous dress. I love how bright it is, and my hair is so full even swimming almost everyday. Chlorine is so rough for my hair, my highlights turned orange but I think they still look cool. This has been my first mother's day with my mom since I got married. I love my Tata.

We went to Beau Dunlap's baby blessing. He is so sweet. Here is one picture of the family minus Jacob's family.

We also went to Shibumi Ramenya with Jared's family.Romi (Jared's grandmother) met Milo for the first time. The boys loved her and we got to eat some nice Japanese food. It was a great evening.

I think it was a Saturday and I didn't want to stay home. Jared and I decided to go and explore Chimayo New Mexico. We went to the little church in there, apparently there is a hole inside the church with magic sand. I took all the sand and rubbed it all over, I guess it didn't work because that same day I went to the emergency room.

After our adventure to Chimayo, we went home. On our way home I started to feel indigestion pain. Nothing too crazy. Two hours later I was going upstairs to my room and I started to scream. This pain went from 0 to 11 in a second. I couldn't breath, I screamed for Jared. It was worst than labor pains and believe me I know pain. I gave birth without pain meds not by choice of course. The pain was between my breast, Jared thought I was having a pulmonary embolism or something worst. He always knows the right things to say to make me feel better, doesn't he? :/ We hurried to the emergency care but I was redirected to the hospital. I was in so much pain, I was begging for any type of drugs, I just wanted to stop hurting. I got a few pain medication but nothing was working until they gave me morphine. It was great. I was so tired I passed out. My gallbladder was full of little stones, around 50-60 little stones. I was told I needed the surgery asap. Our friends Amy and Eric Genesoto took care of our boys meanwhile I was at the hospital, and they even cleaned my kitchen.
These pictures are in the ER. I was tired and so happy to not have that pain anymore.

A friend of our is a surgeon (Dr Barker) and he offered to do the surgery the next morning after my consultation with him. He is the only surgeon who actually perform this type of surgery thru the belly button. I asked him when was he free and he told me he could do it the next day in the morning or I could wait for a week or two until he came back from Italy... Well, I got my gallbladder out the next day. I am not afraid of surgery. My friends brought me flowers, Jared got me pastries from my favorite bakery (chocolate maven), took care of me, took care of the boys and he bought me more five finger (this is my 4th pair)and I ate tons of sushi... hmmm sushi.
My belly button after the surgery. The next day, Jared and I walked a mile. After five days I was exercising normally and even doing crunches. It was like this surgery never happened. Oh and my mom wasn't here neither. She was in PA visiting my sister for three weeks.

A few pictures of the boys. Enjoy.

Wavy and straight hair. So cute

I bleached my hair and dyed it a lighter color. Black hair gets very hot in the sun, so a lighter color hopefully will help with that. This was my hip Hop met Kesha moment with Milo.

We also went to a scenic train ride to Antonito Colorado. We drove to Chama, NM and from there we rode a bus to Antonito. It was a really nice experience. We had a great time as a family. After we got to the summit, we had lunch. Our menu consisted in turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and all the desserts we could eat.

On Friday night Jared took me to a surprised date. We drove to Las Vegas, NM and ate at a 50's dinner (a real one) and went to a drive in theater to watch Start Trek. It was a fun night. I love you Jared, thank you for always planning fun dates.