January 2019
Skiing and snowboarding at Brighton. Mario got the Aaronic Priesthood and was set apart as a deacon. Milo and Jared celebrated their birthdays. Milo got some awards in Cub Scouts. Milo was interviewed for baptism and took photos for the invitations.

February 2019
Milo was baptized! Friends and family from all over came to participate in Milo's baptism. Jared baptized him and his Grandpa Hobbs confirmed him.

More skiing/snowboarding. Mario started passing the sacrament in church. Milo spoke in church. Milo got more Cub Scout awards.

March 2019
Milo won 3rd place in the Pinewood Derby. We had a nice vacation in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for Spring Break.

This was one special vacation. My parents have been divorced for a while now. For a few years, they were cordial but they were not on speaking terms with each other. I see my parents every 3-4 years by choice. I convinced them to come with me to Punta Cana. It was tough the first two days, and later they were happy. We had fun. Somehow when my parents are with me, everything is okay. If my siblings get involved, they start fighting more than usual. Currently they are all suing each other. That's what happens in a family full of lawyers. It is exhausting. I am in my 30s and having happy divorced parents really helped my mental health. For many years I felt guilty that my Dominican family broke down because I moved to the USA. The simple truth is that my parents didn't have a healthy marriage and the divorce was a result of that. It has taken me until 2022 to finally let go of that guilt and I have done everything under my power to keep everyone close. Some things are not meant to be and I wish them and my siblings all the best.

April 2019
Family photos. Dinner and a magic show at Mystique Dining. Fun at the zoo. Mario went on some campouts with the Scouts. We went to the baptism of one of Jared's cousin's daughter.

May 2019
Family photos and hiking. Fun with friends. Mario's school concert. Jared and I went to Bambara restaurant in downtown Salt Lake City. Milo was Pluto for a school play.

June 2019
I don't ever let other people watch my children. When the boys were younger I didn't get the support that I needed from my parents or Jared's with the boys. Oh boy, let me tell you that it was hard going to school, taking care of little children, having big callings in church, living in a different country as an immigrant alone, and dealing with mental health issues. Oh boy. My stomach gets sick thinking about it. I am grateful for that. I had to become stronger than I wanted to be. I took the children everywhere with me and exposed them to grown up life. I got my three college degrees and raised children who are reliable. I built a great network of LDS friends and mentors. The lack of family support was a blessing in disguise. No one owes me anything, and because of that I don't owe anything to anyone. Best feeling ever! Because of that and other experiences, I am always hesitant to trust my children to others. Jared convinced me because the boys are older. I got amazing tickets to go to New York and Jared asked his mom to watch the boys for a week. Jared flew his mom here. We took Celestine out for dinner to thank her. Mario and Milo got to meet their grandma without my influence. It was a great a time.

I hadn't seen my mother since 2016. We met in New York for the day. I wasn't expecting to see my sister or my nephew at all. I had a fall out with her in 2011. I just didn't have more energy to engage in the relationship. I was VERY surprised when I saw her. I posted the photos on my instagram and my nephew Junior texted me and met with us. I hadn't seen Junior since he was 8 years old. It was great to see everyone and see how their lives had turned out.

We went to museums, stores, and plays. A week wasn't enough.

Track and field. Father's Day. Swimming at the public pool.

July 2019
Happy Independence Day! πππ§¨

Went to see Mary Poppins in Ogden, Utah. It was soo far. We had friends from Palo Alto visiting us, nerd nations! I started to get laser on my face. The skin on my neck was getting really hormonal. Full of pimples and hair. I was on my way to become the bearded woman. I also got my eyebrows microbladed. Best money spent.

August 2019
Fun family time. My mom came to visit us. This was her first time in Utah so we took her around to see the sights. We went to the temple before it close down for renovations. The kids went back to school.

Jared quit his job to start his new company. I threw up a little bit in my mouth thanks to the fear. We bought health insurance Β for all of us through my University of Utah enrollment. Scary times and they did pay off!

September 2019
Joy Hobbs' funeral in Idaho. Grandmother Joy will be miss.

I was still going to college. I started up my cookbook club here in SLC. I forgot to mention that I was called to be the Second counselor in the Relief Society. I do work great under pressure, but gosh! Remember the blessings, Jenny!

Service project in our neighborhood.

School festival. We got new floors for our house.

October 2019
Happy Halloween π! This month we celebrated Mario's birthday, Milo got some more Cub Scout awards, we spent some time at Liberty Park, and Mario gave a talk in church.

I was so busy and tired with school, a huge calling, the kids, cleaning, and all the other stuff. Jared asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I told him that I didn't want anything. Well, that is what I got. Nothing. I came home after a long day at 6pm (Jared was working super long hours from home after he quit his job and started his own business) and there it was: nothing. He didn't even get me dinner, cake, or a present! I was so mad. I got in my car, went to Harmons, bought some desserts, invited my friends. Well, you can't invite friends to come in the middle of the week. I called the Patch kids, and I sang happy birthday to me! That is when I finally learned that I can only count on me. I asked for everything because if not, I would be disappointed like today. That was the beginning of my fancy birthdays every year.

With all my responsabilites, I still got everyone ready for Halloween. Yes, I love getting dressed up for holidays.
For my calling, we hosted an open house for Halloween. Can you tell who I was? Milo was a hip hop rapper cow, and Mario was a business cow.

November 2019
Trying to stay afloat. Any free time I had, I would whiten my teeth, wear a face mask, and take a power nap. If I didn't do that, I wouldn't have time. I hired people to paint the roof of my house black. I helped to organize a fund raiser. Milo and Penelope Patch went on a field trip to the SLC ballet. They watched Swan Lake. I also kept running my cookbook club. I met visiting professor of African American Women's studies Dr. Ajah Reynolds.

Mario and the scouts presenting a report of their work. We went to the nutcracker hip hop style. We had Thanksgiving dinner. We took family photos. Getting ready for Christmas. It is all about preparation.

December 2019
Took the boys to the live nativity our Bonneville Stake holds every year. I spoke about capitalism and slavery for a presentation. Chloe and I got matching coats. Mario had a violin recital. I wrote on my personal website about inclusive behavior during the holidays. Went to see the Utah Symphony play Harry Potter.