Its the most wonderful time of the year! The boys are ready for their new school year. They go to Old Navy and buy their own clothes. After that, we went to eat sushi and bento boxes.

First day of school pictures. Mario is already taller than me and Milo will probably be taller than me by the end of the school year. My boys are so handsome, smart, kind, and just perfect.

Here is a screenshot of the message Mario wrote for our newsletter.

These are photos of my Relief Society. I am living the dream! I love the effort that everyone makes to be part of the group and to make any gathering special. The only thing we don't have back is our time.

Another weekend at the cabin before we have to close for winter

Memorial Day Weekend
We spent Memorial Day Weekend in beautiful Fairview, Utah.

I felt like doing a deep cleaning at the cabin. The couch and the chair were filthy and now they smell great. I am sick and annoyed because I have to travel at mid night. I am also going to paint the lower bedroom. I bought all the materials, I just need time to do it.

We finally have our hot tub! When we were hanging out, we all saw this amazing yellow fish in our pond. It was so exciting to see it!

We didn't have any food at home. We got poke bowls and chicken for dinner. I need to go and get ready for my trip now.