I hosted my first brunch. I asked a few of my friends to bring side dishes and it was really cute. I am glad that everything went well.There was classical music playing in the background.The menu:Pineapple and strawberry fruit salad. Italian Quiche.CronatsWatermelon and a different assort of fruitsA fruit tartOrganic freshly squeeze orange juice.Apple Cider for all the guest at arrival.
Milo was in charge of entertaining all the little kids. He was in my bed with all of them watching tv.
Milo took this photo of me.

My guest brought me some beautiful flowers. I felt that I was living in a fancy story.

I also got invited to a cookbook club. I got to cook eggplant which I love. I wish my husband and children would love to eat different type of vegetables.
I made a roasted red bell pepper and eggplant dip. It was delicious.