I have been trying to take pictures of Mario and Milo with my new camera (Nikon D7000 with 18-200mm VR Lens). It is amazing how great the pictures look.This is an 80's style picture looking at the empty space.
Yes, Milo smiles and he is just so loving now. He gives me hugs and he just wants to cuddle with me. I am so happy that he is finally acting like a baby and no like a little monster. I do love that Milo is very independent, but I also love when he just wants to be with me. He likes to lay his head on my chest and listen to my heart.
Milo was in the zone. He didn't want me to stop taking pictures. I took 235 pictures of them that day.
We had early Christmas with Celestine and Mike. It was fun having the grandparents over in our house. The boys were wearing the matching pjs and running around like crazy. We had Chinese take out for dinner and for dessert I made caramel brownies. It was a great night.
Last week snowed so much here in Santa Fe. The kids were loving playing in the snow. Every time Milo touches the snow he comes crying to me saying: "burn, burns"

2012 Santa Fe Ward Christmas activity.Mario is supposed to be an angel, he wasn't very happy because he had to take off his Super Mario hat.
This is my favorite picture of him. In my mind this is how Moses said: "Let my people go Pharaoh"
Both boys saw Santa. Mario asked for a mini ipad and Milo was so shy, he just wanted his candy cane.
We also went to the Qforma christmas party. Mario was so hyper, he drank 4 cans of coca cola and Milo drank one can. I don't buy them soda, the only way they can drink soda is if we are at a party.