Homework after school and swimming classes. We don't like it but it is important.

Their annual haircut.

Working on some fitness goals on a bike.

Milo is a social butterfly. This is at Emerson's birthday party.

...He dressed himself.

Milo's evaluation for his swimming lesson last month. He did wonderful and he is still taking classes with Mario. Swimming is their favorite activity in the week.

Mario brought home Felix the rabbit, a friend from school which Milo pretty much took over as his toy. Mario kept a journal of all the wonderful things they did together.

We are BFFs.

Mario's 100th Day of school. A big deal in this area. He got as a present an eraser in the shape of a pig. He loves it.

For his 32nd Birthday this lumber sexual got a NEW big baby Taylor.

Everyday I do something special for the boys. On this day, I got them chocolate cups with vanilla cream. They love my surprises. They feel special.

The boys love this (Bell's bookstore) old bookstore on Emerson St.

Mario had a dinner play date with his best friend from school so Jared and I took Milo out for dinner at his favorite restaurant and out for pastries right after that. He still missed Mario.

Some photos of our trip to Monterrey Bay. Cute city. The aquarium was really fun. I took more photos but I decided that it is more important to live in the moment... Yes, you all know what an anemone looks like.

I am honestly loving having two beautiful big boys. I won't fall for the third child trap :) Life is so much easier and better. Jared and I slept last weekend until 9 am! A huge deal! I love this stage in my life. Milo keeps asking me to marry him and he gets jealous when I am around Jared.Mario told me that I am his best friend and that he feels secure with me. He told me that he knows he can tell me anything at all. Priceless.The boys are old enough that we can go to nice places with no fear of a tamtrum.

We sold the truck. I really didn't think Jared would ever let me do it but he did! All the "junk" (quote from my MIL) that was in the back of truck is going to be donated to less fortunate people. So grateful that we can help people in need.

Jared is teaching Mario to ride his bike for the first time. I am so impressed with how fast Mario learns anything.

My date to the Opera. Mario was great to hang out with. I am honestly loving having a child that can sit for two hours without complaining and let me enjoy the performance. He is seriously the coolest seven year old ever.