One of my neighbors built this tiny free library where anyone can get free books. I like this idea so much :)

The weather has been wonderful here in Palo Alto.

We also went to MacDonalds and got some shamrock shakes. Mario said that it tasted like candy canes. Those shakes are so good and so bad at the same time.

This is one of the cards we made for Mario's friends. Mario was so dedicated and he wrote on the inside too. We got tiny monster's toy to go with them. My little monsters made little monsters cards for their little monsters friends. How cute is that?

Another great event this month was the birth of my niece Layla. Julie is doing well, she gave birth all natural. She is a trooper and look how great she looks. She had a c-section with her previous child, just like me. I am so proud of her and how well she is doing.

I'm still working out. I love going to the gym and after two hours, I can sit in the hot tub and rest my muscles.

My little Milo after his class at the YMCA. He made that necklace in his class.

This is what I made yesterday. Baked herb chicken and caprice salad for lunch. The boys ate chocolate cake for dinner and fries.

Waiting for the chocolate cake to be ready.

Milo and I went to the children's museum and Zoo. Milo loved it. Did I mention that it is free?

Another wonderful thing, I don't have to go to the grocery store. There is an app where you can buy groceries online and they deliver them to you.

This in old picture form January. Milo is reading the card that Celestine sent him. He was very excited. My mom also sent him some money. He went to Target and got toys for him and Mario.

This is Mario working on a school project about the number 100. We made a painting with the number 100 and later add 100 shells to it.

This morning for Valentine's day I got Mario and Milo a microscope and a set of acrylic paint. I gave Milo the acrylic paint set and I gave Mario the microscope. I was so disconsidered, Milo wants to be a scientist and Mario too. Milo started crying and I felt so bad. We decided to share the microscope and now both of them can be scientist. Mario and Milo had spend the morning making solutions and mixing things. I love my monsters. They are perfect.
Future mad scientist? Maybe.

Mario is acting like a 9 year old and Milo acts just like a 5 year old. They are acting very mature for their ages, except when they fight with each other.

other things:* I have become an expert on parallel parking*I got a calling in primary. Teaching the 9 years old will be fun with Jared.*I am learning new techniques to reduce my accent.*My vocabulary in English is growing so much. Some words from Spanish and English are pretty much the same so I can use them with the anglo intonation and people will understand me. I think I am loving California.*Milo doesn't wear diapers anymore...He doesn't wear them for bed neither!!