I am finally back. I am so sorry for not posting sooner, life has been so busy these last two months. School (finally done with the semester), we have been very sick and I am just plain tired all the time. Taking care of two boys is a LOT OF WORK. I am not going to sugar coated, it is hard and I usually have meltdowns everyday but I can't image my life without Mario and Milo.
These are the Halloween pictures. Mario was super Mario, he was so excited. Jared was a ninja and Milo was the cutest little penguin ever. I didn't dress up, I was too stress out getting everybody ready.

I want my mami to hold me!

Lets talk more about Milo. Milo is eleven months old. He likes to crawl everywhere, he calls me mama and he calls Jared dada. Milo is really strong and loves to imitated Mario. His favorite toys are cars and Thomas the train, just like Mario. He is also pretty agressive sometimes with Mario. He still drools a lot and has two cute teeth. He is a great eater, he will eat almost everything but eggs. He hates them.

Our Santa Baby

He won't stay still for the pictures.

Milo finds all the night lights around the house and he takes them apart. I think he likes to see how things work.

I was thinking about getting a new SLR but I really think I don't need a new one. What I need is to learn more techniques to take better artistic portraits. I guess now at day everybody is a photographer...