On Monday, Jenny and I went in for a routine ultra sound to check the size of baby Mario. They found that his abdomen was small compared to the rest of his measurements (his abdomen measured 30 weeks while everything else measured 33) and they also saw what they thought might be a problem with the placenta so they scheduled us for another ultrasound and doppler this morning.
This morning we went in for the ultrasound and the doctors found out that our baby wasn't getting enough blood flow from the placenta and that he has stopped growing. They then scheduled an induced labor for tomorrow. (That's 6 weeks early!). Our baby will spend the first few weeks of his life in the intensive care unit at Lovelace Women's Hospital until he is strong enough to come home with us.
Please keep Jenny and Mariocito in your prayers. I'll try to keep everyone updated whenever I have a chance by posting to this blog.