This month has been busy. Milo's graduation, the end of my horrible journey with some contractors, meeting new exciting people. The last three to four months have been a time for reflection and growing for me. I have been prayfully asking for guidance and personal revelation from Heavenly Father.

Cabin season is here! The first time going to Hobbs Hollow is exhausting. We hired a group of people to clean the grounds. They spent a whole day picking up years worth of trash from the property. It was one of my presents to Jared for Father's Day.

The hot tub didn't make it. Hopefully people will come and fix it in July. I also hired a new contractor named Rick Poulson to install gates on my property. He did and he also created paths around the property and made the grounds more even. I am loving this property so much. I feel that Hobbs Hollow is my baby, a very expensive baby.

It gets really cold at night time. We watched an outdoor movie and it was too uncomfortable for me. Our water heaters broke down; we were literally camping. Jared fixed the one inside the cabin (after the water explosion) and I could finally let the boys have an outdoor fire.

Jared and the boys went back to SLC to finish the school semester and work. I stayed at the cabin supervising contractors cleaning the property, building a new bunkhouse, and for the installation of the soffits. As you know, I am dieting and I am mean when I don't eat. It serves me very well when dealing with men (contractors).

Jared and Milo went to a concert back in SLC (The Cure).

Milo graduated from elementary school. He is ready for 7th grade!

Earlier in the day, Milo had a picnic day with all his school friends.

Mario owed 25 dollars for some class fee at his school. They wouldn't give him his yearbook until he paid. He forgot his credit card so I went to his rescue. I had to leave the picnic. Mario is also on the honor roll. He didn't tell me. I don't even think he knew.

Some fun things: Chloe got a job modeling fairy wings. We took the boys to see Spiderman. We went on a bike ride, stopped for Mexican food, and came home to swim. It has been a very busy month and it is only June 10th. Excited about our summer!

Mario went to FSY at BYU Provo. He had a great time. Mario's roommate was a cowboy from Heber City.

FSY in Provo

Jared came back from his Sonoma, CA work trip. He took us to a nice little restaurant in SLC. I was complaining that we are becoming hillbillies who only eat burgers. I am getting bored with the same thing.

I hosted an Elders' Quorum dinner at my place. People are so rude. They RSVP'd and didn't show up. I am glad I invited the Soto family (love them) and Jestin's family. I made everything from scratch and power washed my deck. Milo made some strawberry lime mocktails.

After picking up Mario from Provo. He looks so happy and changed. His testimony of the gospel is strengthened. I am happy for him. Our friend Paul Werner invited us to a concert in his new backyard for his nephew's band.

The next day, we invited some of our dear friends the Nicoli's for dessert and swimming.

My favorite baby in the ward, Hunter Bleazard, came to swim. I saved her older sister (Holland) from drowning... yeah, that was scary. Mario got his second or third set of braces and invisaline. Milo told me that I look like a Gen Z with that outfit. Mario and Milo getting groceries in Mount Pleasant for the Fourth of July.

I almost forgot, I bought Jared a side by side for Father's Day! Everyone is loving that little toy.