Mario and Milo playing with our home teacher sons Satchel and Eero.
Labor Day.Jared and the boys watched How to train a dragon 2. I went to the gym for two hours and after I was done I socked my bones in the hot tub. It was great.After that Jared cooked. We ate and I took a long nap. Jared and the boys were playing video games and playing with the neighbors. He is still eating his food. You don't eat your lunch? Fine. You can have it for dinner or breakfast. Parenting 101.

Jared and I had some ribs, roasted honey corn and mashed potatoes.

Because I am in too much debt for laser to get rid of my dark spots or getting some good old fillers. I am trying to learn the art of make up covering. This is my Kim kardashian inspired make up or my tranny make up. It can go either way.

Jared thinks that selfies are stupid but he still took one with me. Looking good for a 29 year old and this guy is 31 years old. He feels special when he is around me.

As Jared and I were watching HGTV and saying that we will never do DIY projects and if we ever do we were going to pay someone to do it, Mario was preparing FHE all by himself. We honestly forgot about FHE.

He wrote and cut two columns. Good and bad. Under the good column the words love, machines, hug and kiss. Under the bad column the words punch, mad, kill, steal and rob. I'm telling you, having older kids is going to be great.Milo eating his treat for FHE and staring at tomorrow's breakfast.

Hope all of you had a good Labor Day.