Primary Program. Oct 26thMario's part was: "we can repent when we make a bad choice." We are so proud of you.

This is Mario's best school friend. His name is Jason. They hang out all the time.

October 27th:Mario's real birthday. He woke up and the first thing he did was to open his presents. He got many presents from my parents and from Jared's parents.

It might sound ridiculous but it's 60 degrees here and I am freezing. I am wearing my sweats and this comfy sweater. It also hides all the weight I have gained. I eat healthy but too much of it.

We took Mario out to dinner for his birthday. He had a mint Oreo and chocolate fudge shake and pancakes for dinner.

October 28thMario and Milo went to my friend Colleen Casper's house. She loves to throw parties. At her Halloween party, they all went crazy running around in the backyard.

Ready for bed.

October 30th.I took Milo to the YMCA with me like always. He did the Halloween fitness challenge and got a bag of candy and little fun toys.

Mario and Consuelo working on a craft together.

This morning after dropping Mario off at school I noticed this awesome pumpkin patch with huge carved pumpkins. Well, I found out that the CEO of Yahoo (Marissa Mayer) had it built. She owns the property in front of Mario's school. All the kids were excited and happy.Steve Jobs' house was decorated as an evil hospital and there were other huge CEOs that had huge parties for everyone. Larry Page hired a fire dancer for his. I am name dropping as if I actually know those people. That is sad.

October 31st
Today is my papi's birthday. Happy Birthday!
These are Jared's coworkers. Fun people!

Our neighbors. We are so lucky to have really nice people around us.

See this lady in the crayon costume. That is Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo. She was giving out candy and toys.

Funny parts about last night:*Milo going to random people and telling them "I look cool"*Mario reading a sign on a gate that said: enter if you dare. Mario lifted his hand and his fist and screamed I dare! And ran to the house. It was hilarious and dramatic.

Our cool booty. Lol

We are ending the night watching Ghostbusters. I am really tired.
I hope everyone had a great day. Goodnight.