Brunch to celebrate Mary Porter's birthday. She is an amazing human being.

I am teaching Milo about tally marks because he is getting confused when counting big quantities. Kindergarten better be ready for him.

Dentist: Mario, you don't have any cavities, good job!Mario: wow, I don't even brush my teeth that much. That's crazy!Dentist: ... Mario, you shouldn't be telling me those things.

On our way to Puerto Rico. It was hard for me. I just can't stand those long flights because they feel like torture. The boys were great but I can't sleep sitting in a chair. My body was hurting and I was moody. I passed out on the floor; I was exhausted.

The first night, we stayed in old San Juan.

Our hotel was a hostel: La Posada San Francisco. It was nice and I didn't mind sharing bathrooms. I honestly didn't see other people, besides us.

The hotel has a haunted elevator. I was terrified because it looks like it was going to collapse any second.

Our first dinner was at a restaurant called "El balcón del Moreno." The food was gross and they took forever to bring the food. I don't recommend that place. We waited over an hour for the food!

After dinner, we explored the town. We had ice cream from Burger King. Milo got hurt because he was jumping all around the place.
This photo doesn't have any filters. Everything in Old San Juan seems like this. Santo Domingo is like this too.

The view from our hotel.

The boys were serenaded by this random guy. Everything was perfect.

Our hotel is the building right behind me.

Family selfie.

Milo holding his coconut. He didn't like it.

These pictures were taken with my better camera. The previous photos were taking with my iPhone. I was telling the boys about the snacks I used to have after school. This was one of them. In the Dominican Republic, we called this frío frío.

We stayed most of the time in Luquillo, a town east of the city of Carolina. We have been there before but this time we found a surfing beach. I honestly look so burned right now. We went to the beach for 4 hours everyday.

Shrimp trifongo in a garlic sauce.

Milo taking a nap. After being in the water for a few hours, he would get very grumpy and ask for a nap.

This is how our beach was the entire time. It was heaven. Many of our friends went to Hawaii, which I heard was so crowded.

The boys didn't eat any Puerto Rican food; what a sad life. They were really annoying and didn't want to try anything new, so we took them to McDonalds everyday. Meanwhile, Jared and I tried every type of food from Los Kioskos.

Another lesson for this trip: Don't take the family photo on the last day. Everyone looks so dark and Jared looks so red. He was upset because when he was younger he used to tan like us. Not anymore :(

Husband looking at me in love: CheckChildren running around like crazy: Check Sonnet James dress that makes my butt looks awesome ;) Check

This is my favorite photo of us.

Milo wearing his chacabana or guayabera. He looks right at home.

We visited El Yunque rain forest. The beautiful waterfalls and the hike was breathtaking. This was a perfect opportunity to teach Mario and Milo about how amazing the rain forest is. All of the sudden, rain started falling on us. It was refreshing and a great experience to learn about different ecosystems.Mario has mixed feelings about getting wet but overall he enjoyed the hike.

Jared looks sexy in this photo.

I honestly can't imagine taking a vacation without all of us. I enjoyed seeing the world through the boys eyes. My favorite parts of the trip were:
- Milo bodysurfing and loving it
- Mario building the tallest sand castle
- Sunbathing on the beach
- Eating mofongo and trifongo
- Going to the most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen
- The wonderful people I met in Puerto Rico
- Getting my hair done and a mani-pedi
- Listening to the coquí frogs
- Our hotels
I would say that the worst part, at least for me, was the flight from CA to PR.