Labor day weekend

We started to eat healthy again. We are trying to avoid high carbs, processed meat, and processed sugar. I can't diet too much because I get very bad anemia. My body only gets slim when I starve myself. Jared is currently a vegetarian and I am vegetarian except for weekends. We are also using vitamins and healthy supplements to stay young and healthy. I took Jared to get a haircut and he looks so much younger.

Chloes's 6th Birthday

Jared was out of town for work. He sneaked out to go surfing at Pacifica beach. He looks so happy. I keep telling him that he needs to take more alone vacations and I will do the same. He's still not on board with the idea. I took the boys to Finn's which is a Scandinavian diner that is very close to our home. Milo went to a trampoline park to celebrate his friend Ax's birthday. The last photo is Milo with his kindergarten buddies which he mentors; their names are Cliff and Elliot.

Homecoming Dance
Mario went to his first high school dance with his friend Jaxon Fisher! They are really good friends. Freshmen are always really shy and they don't feel comfortable enough asking girls to go with them. I am proud of him for going and having a good time with his friend.
Sadly, Jared wasn't in town to see him go to his first dance 😢.

Photoshoot: Every once in a while, I get the urge to take photos of Mario and Milo to update our photos. I took these ones and sent them to a casting agency for the church. They are looking for a child to play Mormon or Moroni as an 11 year old.

I have been working on my emotional health and spiritual health. I have been studying my scriptures, praying, and journaling. I can tell you that I have been going through great personal growth. I appreciate the quiet times because that is when I meditate. Being busy all the time is not always better.
Hocus Pocus 2

The highlight of this week was to wait for the second Hocus Pocus movie! October is the best month. This year has been really warm and I am loving every minute of it.