I was running so late to pick up Mario today. I got there 10 minutes late and he was waiting for me at the school office. He is always so patient, I apologized to him. Mario told me to not worry about it. There were other moms that were late too. Even when I am at fault, Mario makes me feel like everything is okay.The birthday club is a really nice way for the children at Mario's school to be involved with reading. Every child gets to endorse a book by having their name in it. He was so excited. I am so proud of him.

Today the boys were helping me to practice my photography. I think they are awesome. I bought some clothes for them at Old Navy and H&M and they wore them so well. I got Mario his first suit and the store ran out of pants his size. Now I have a jacket with no pants for him. He loves it. Mario's favorite song "Cool Kids" was playing on my iPhone and the boys were enjoying their photo shoot.I am practicing taking pictures with glasses. I am trying to learn the basics again. I am getting many photography jobs. My father in law always says, "I think it is the camera". Well, it is not. It is the photographer :) xo