Milo was so excited to see the real Santa. He even touched his beard to make sure he was the real deal. His smile says it all. He is REAL.

Santa was asking Mario if he has been a good boy? Can you see the serious face that Santa made?Santa was deceived by Milo's cuteness, and he asked the wrong child. Milo is the trouble maker.
For the holidays, I had the great pleasure to have my dad visit me. I haven't seen my dad in person for almost four years. My dad and I facetime every weak but it is great having the chance to give him a hug and tell him how much I love him.

We went to pick up my dad at the San Jose airport. After that, we went to eat Korean food. I dropped Jared at work . I took my dad for Ice Cream and shopping. He took the boys to their favorite toy store and let them go crazy.

We walked around Downtown and stopped at the Apple store for my dad to buy stuff. He loved Palo Alto.

It was fun bonding with my dad. I took him to the gym and to drink green smoothies at Whole Foods. I enjoyed working out with him. He was funny.

Christmas Morning.

One of the cool pants I got for the boys.

This was Milo's favorite present. Mario and Milo have been begging for Skylanders and they got a bunch of the characters and the game from us.

My dad with one of the presents from Santa left on his stocking.One of my main presents from me to my dad was to help him rebrand his business by building a custom website Union de Profesionales Julio Francisco Cabrera y Asociados. We also design new business cards together. We are also working on marketing strategies to grow his business. I think he is doing that to help me with money.

Presents from Jared's parents.

I got these cute robes for the boys. They loved them.

I also got them matching suits. I love how cute they look. This photo doesn't make them justice by the way.

We also went to San Francisco and drove to Downtown and to all the touristy places. It was crazy. We were going to go China Town. My dad wasn't very impressed or interested in walking in that madness. I agree with him.

He loved Lombard street.

We drove around SF for around 3 hours. Thanks to Jared and his awesome driving skills. We came back home and had dinner at The Creamery in Palo Alto.

My dad loves to go out to different restaurants. Thank you Papi for treating us to all those restaurants.

My dad also got me maccaroons...drooling. He knows that I love them but they are so pricey. I never get them. No, the ones at Costco are not as good.

I also took my dad to San Gregorio Beach. He has never seen the Pacific Ocean. He was excited.It was amazing to see the excitement thru his eyes. He also made me see that I have done a lot in this year.

In a few more years my dad will be 70. This photo hasn't been retouch. He looks great. My parents look great for their age.

This is my favorite photo with my dad and Milo. Those two became inseparable.

To say goodbye to my dad we took him to eat Chinese food. Chinese food in the Dominican Republic is different than what we get in the USA. He liked everything but the dumplings. It was one of the best Christmas ever.

My parents filled for divorced almost three years ago. They spend Christmas together even if they are divorced. My dad looks younger and happier. I think both of them do. It is odd, but they are better parents now that they are divorced. My parents used to bicker about EVERYTHING and they seemed very miserable with each other. It was like if both of them were trying to hard to stay in a relationship that was overdue. After their divorce both of them have blossom and become better people, friend and better parents. I honestly preferred this situation than when they were married. Children know when the parents are miserable. I'm glad that I finally have happy parents. My dad is a few years shy of 70 and my mother is 63 years old. Better late than never :)01Today they are driving from Pennsylvania to Miami (12 hours.) They are going to go to Disney with my sister's family. How great is that.My parents spending new year in Miami with my sister's family. Happily divorced.

December 30th
I took the boys for a hike; they were becoming one with the couch by playing so many video games.We walked around 3 miles and it was great. I felt like I could breath again.I hope everyone is having a wonderful end of the year.