When you think you have everything under control: My thoughts these last two weeks.
First week of school was a sucess. I am enjoying my alone time. I have been cleaning and organizing like a mad woman. It feels great.
Art noon committee is organized and all the dates set up with the volunteer and well as the noon science committee too.
PTA package renew with all the activities for the new school year. Check is attached.
Can you volunteer for picture day? No. I have my orthodontist appointment that day. Another email about volunteering at the library.. A new email about a field trip.

Cookbook club. I'm so excited to see my friends.
In cookbook club: I made this Mediterranean baby Spanish date salad. When getting the ingredients, I was confusing dates with figs. I thought they were the same thing. Thankfullly an employee at the store helped me. It was sweet and crunchy thanks to the pita.

I took the boys to ride their bikes and later for pizza to their favorite place. Brownie points for me!

There is nothing more annoying than a child nagging for cookies. I gave Mario all the ingredients and I told him, good luck. He actually did a pretty good job mixing everything. I just taught him to be more independent. Good Job, Jenny.

Business in the front party in the back. Silly Milo.

Note to myself, don't let this dude eat all the cookie dough.

Hanging out with another mom. Rikki makes me so happy, she makes me feel silly. We went bike shopping, vinegar tasting, and got free samples at Sephora. That's what I called an amazing morning.

I was eleven years old the last time I rode a bike. I tested many bikes and had the time of my life, I bought this one cruiser bike. I named it Kiss. I am in love. The best part is that Milo rides with me in the back. He is so fun and crazy. No more driving to school!

More house cleaning. I got my area rug washed and we played word bingo to help Milo with his reading. I am feeling pretty awesome. Jared is not in the USA and I am being so efficient that the boys are barely noticing he isn't here.

Playing board games is a Huge accomplishment for me. I hate board games with a passion. I am feeling very proud of myself.

And then, bam! It happened. Milo has been scratching his head which I didn't think anything of it. He came to my bed a few minutes ago (1am) to tell me that his head itches. He got lice from school! How? In two weeks? Is that possible? Not just that, my hair itches now. I don't know if it is psychological or what? What am Ian going to do? Should k take him to the pediatrician or just buy over the counter stuff? Didn't I read about a new super strength of lice on the news?...Do you know how much hair do I have? This is going to be a nightmare. I can't wait to call the school tomorrow and tell them that my child has lice. It won't be embarrassing at all...Geesh, I already washed sheets early this week. Now, I will have to disinfect everything in my house all over again. Lol Good one, universe. Good one.
Anxiety please go away so I can sleep. I have a long day ahead.